Kris and Tana Willis
Kris and Tana Willis are church planters at Family Life Fellowship FWB Church in Anchorage, Alaska. Before becoming career church planters, the Willises had an active ministry at Cramerton FWB in Cramerton, NC, and at Capitol FWB in Sacramento, California where Kris served as associate pastor. They have four children – Rebecca, Joshua, Abigail, and Daniel. Anchorage is the third largest city in the U.S. without a FWB Church within 100 miles and the Gospel-need is great. Please pray for the Willises as they seek to preach the Gospel, win souls for Jesus, make disciples who make disciples, and edify the Body of Christ in the frosty Northwest.

950 E. Susitna Bay
Wasilla, AK 99654
Kris: July 17
Tana: May 31
Daniel: November 25, 2005
Anniversary: November 1
Church Name: Family Life Fellowship FWB Church
Church Website: