Christopher and Ashly Littlecreek

Christopher and Ashly Littlecreek are church planters in San Diego, CA. Originally from California, the Littlecreeks served as missionaries in the Czech Republic for five years, and they have three adult children. This spring, they began a church planting residency with City Lights Church, allowing them to transition back to life in the States, develop new church planting skills, fundraise, and grow a healthy launch team. After completing their residency, they will launch a San Diego church plant of their own. California is one of the most influential and diverse states in the nation. The San Diego area itself is home to over 1.3 million people of vastly varied cultural backgrounds, life experiences, and religious beliefs. This makes it a perfect place to cultivate passionate disciples who will then disciple others in their local communities and throughout the world.

2930 Broadway
Unit 44
San Diego, CA 92102

Christopher: June 7
Ashly: July 24

Anniversary: January 10

Church Name: The Altar SD

Facebook: Plant San Diego with the Littlecreeks

Contact the Littlecreeks