Chris and Megan Davenport
Chris and Megan Davenport are lead church planters at The Bridge Church in Fredericksburg, Virginia. The first of its kind, The Bridge is a unique replant work between a local church, The Donelson Fellowship of Nashville, TN, and NAM. Before serving at The Bridge, the Davenports worked alongside Carl and Cynthia Spruill at the FWB NAM church plant in Kaneohe, Hawaii. Chris graduated from Welch College in Nashville, TN, with a B.S. in missions, and Megan studied nursing at Tennessee State University. The couple has one daughter, Lily.

6509 Hot Spring Ln.
Fredericksburg, VA 22407
Chris: March 5
Megan: May 28
Lily: February 26, 2016
Anniversary: May 11
Church Name: The Bridge FWB Church
Church Website: