Greg and Hailey Smith
Greg and Hailey Smith are lead planters at The Well FWB Church in Ypsilanti, MI. The Well is a joint replant work partnered with NAM, The Donelson Fellowship of Nashville, TN, and the Michigan State Mission Board. Ypsilanti is home to Eastern Michigan University, and Ypsilanti Township has a population of 56,000 people. It lays just 35 miles west of Detroit and less than 10 miles from Ann Arbor which has a population of 120,000. “Ypsi”, as it is commonly called by locals, is a diverse and growing community with a great need for healthy churches. Greg, originally from Michigan, studied pastoral ministry at Welch College. Before becoming church planters, the Smiths served in youth ministry at Ebenezer FWB in Miami, FL. They have two daughters, Norah and Lucy.

6955 McKean Rd.
Ypsilanti, MI 48197
Greg: April 26
Hailey: May 30
Norah: March 16, 2022
Lucy: October 25, 2023
Anniversary: March 28
Church Name: The Well FWB Church
Church Website:
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