Jaime and Abigail Hernandez
Jaime and Abigail Hernandez are cross-cultural church planters with North American Ministries and the Indiana State Mission Board at Primera Iglesia Baptista Libre in Elkhart, Indiana. Previously, Jaime studied theology in Mexico City where he also served as a pastor and the director of a Bible institute for nine years. In addition to pastoring in Elkhart, he also ministers through the NAM Hispanic Bible Institute serving as the director of online studies and writing on issues such as family, youth, and discipleship. Please pray for the Hernandez family as they work to reach Elkhart with the Gospel and equip students at the Bible Institute to effectively minister in Hispanic communities across the nation and around the world.

60336 Robin Hood Lane
Elkhart, Indiana 46517
Jaime: July 8
Abigail: December 5
Uriel E.: February 27, 2008
Eliann: July 10, 2011
Anniversary: June 3
Church Name: Primera Iglesia Bautista Libre
Church Website: jesucristoeselcamino.com
Facebook: facebook.com/JCCElkhartIN