Armon and Yvette Jorden
Armon and Yvette Jorden are church planters at Ho’omana Church – A Free Will Baptist Fellowship in Hilo, Hawaii. Armon was saved through the ministry of a NAM church plant in Grand Junction, CO, and he is one of the first second-generation NAM planters to plant a new church! Though he was raised in the US, it wasn’t until Armon was an adult that he first heard the full Gospel, making him uniquely aware of the real spiritual needs within our country and our communities. Yvette was born and raised in Hawaii, giving her firsthand knowledge of the island’s distinctive history, religious landscape, and rich cultural background. The Jordens’ love of Hawaii and genuine passion for sharing the Gospel drive them to serve Hilo sacrificially and reach the lost with the hope of Jesus!

6603 CR-45
Guin, AL 35563
Armon: February 27
Yvette: June 1
Anniversary: February 24
Church Name: Ho’omana Church – A Free Will Baptist Fellowship