CH (LTC) Tracy Kerr – US Army

Chaplain (LTC) Tracy Kerr has served many years in the Chaplain Corps. He graduated from Welch College with a bachelor’s degree in pastoral studies and he received a Master of Divinity in Christian counseling from Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary in 2007. His immediate family consists of his wife, Ginger; two daughters, Sarah and Grace; and one son, Jonathan. Recently, Chaplain Kerr has been reassigned from Hunter AAF, Savannah, GA to Ft. Stewart, GA after returning from a deployment. Please pray for the Kerr family as they minister to our nation’s soldiers.

Address: Please contact NAM for address.

Tracy: February 2 
Ginger: March 19   
Grace: January 20, 2005  
Jonathan: August 13, 2007 

Anniversary: September 24

Contact Chaplain Kerr