Stephen and Lauren Kimbrell
Stephen and Lauren Kimbrell are church planters at Grace City Church in Irvine, California. Irvine is located in Orange County, CA, and is the sixth most populated county in the United States with three million people. It is also home to the University of California at Irvine. Previously, Stephen and Lauren served in the Pleasant Acres FWB Church in New Bern, NC. The Kimbrells have three children – Lilly Kate, Ainsley, and Carter. Please pray for the Kimbrells and their church planting team as they work to share the gospel in their local community and disciple new believers.

24 Prosa
Irvine, CA 92620
Stephen: March 31
Lauren: August 13
Lily Kate: January 19, 2009
Ainsley: May 1, 2012
Carter: October 11, 2013
Anniversary: June 24
Church Name: Grace City FWB Church
Church Website: