Chad and Paula Kivette
In a unique ministry opportunity, North American Ministries is partnering with seasoned church planters Chad and Paula Kivette to lead a church revitalization work at First Free Will Baptist Church in Amory, Mississippi, now New Life FWB Church. The Kivettes have been church planters with FWBNAM since 2005, planting works in Colorado and Tennessee. As they transition to this new ministry, Marcus and Tonya Stephens will assume the lead church planter position at 24/7 Church in Sevierville, TN. The Stephens have served as associate church planters alongside the Kivettes at 24/7 Church since 2020. They are loved by the church and well-qualified to step into this leadership role. Please pray that God will be glorified through both ministries and both families as this transition takes place.

Chad: December 20
Paula: November 13
Anniversary: October 3
Church Name: New Life FWB Church
Church Website: