Changing Men to Change the World
Since its foundation in 1956, Free Will Baptist Master’s Men has been involved in many types of ministry within the denomination. After coming under the umbrella of North American Ministries in 2015, the organization has focused its efforts in six primary areas: Disaster Relief, Impact Outreach, Direction Bible Studies, Operation Saturation, the Ridge Church Project, and Sports Fellowship.
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Free Will Baptist Disaster Response has become an integral part of the mission of Master’s Men. After Hurricane Katrina devastated the Gulf Coast in 2005, Free Will Baptists responded by giving hundreds of thousands of dollars to storm victims. The overwhelming response made it clear Free Will Baptists needed an organized plan to channel relief efforts and supplies to victims of natural disasters.

Master’s Men assumed responsibility for coordinating these efforts. In 2010, the department spearheaded relief efforts in Haiti after a powerful earthquake leveled the island nation. They rebuilt an orphanage dormitory, installed water filtration systems after a cholera outbreak further threatened the health of the islanders, and constructed greenhouses to provide thousands of seedlings that will provide nourishment to starving Haitians.
Impact Outreach. Master’s Men coordinates the annual one-day outreach event held in conjunction with the Free Will Baptist convention. Since 2006, nearly 4,000 volunteers have participated in neighborhood outreach, renovated churches and homes, and canvassed neighborhoods with door-to-door evangelism. These men, women, and young people have seen 47 people come to know Christ as a result of their efforts.
Direction Bible Studies. The ongoing Direction Bible Study Series has been developed to help men go deeper into the Word of God. Twenty challenging studies present questions from Scripture to answer individually or in a group setting. Direction Bible Studies help students of the Word find new application for their lives. Each study includes leader’s notebook and group materials.
Operation Saturation is an ongoing project to assist the church planters of North American Ministries. Teams of volunteers gather in a city where a new church plant is underway and go door-to-door with flyers, surveys, and other relationship-building materials about the new congregation.
Ridge Church Project. After four years of intense renovation, the ongoing renovation of the historic Ridge Church (the first church building of the northern movement of Free Will Baptists) has turned its attention to upkeep and repairs. No special skills are needed, and everyone is encouraged to participate. If you can lift a paintbrush, you qualify for this important project.

In previous years, volunteers repaired the sagging roof, replaced joists and worn shingles, painted the exterior, removed two deteriorating chimneys, reinforced the bell tower, repaired drainage problems under the church, and renovated the interior of the sanctuary.
Sports Fellowship. Each year, Master’s Men hosts two large-scale sports fellowship events. The National Golf Challenge is held each August in Nashville, Tennessee. Golfers participate in the two-man, best-ball tournament followed by an awards ceremony and barbecue lunch. Each March, golfers gather from around the nation for the annual Deep South Golf Tournament. Held at the award-winning Stonebridge Golf Club in Albany, Georgia, the three-day, two-man, best ball tournament is a great way to start spring golf.