Kip and Megan McNeill

Kip and Megan McNeill are associate church planters at Renew FWB Church in Jackson, TN, where they serve with lead planters, and Megan’s parents, Dwayne and Tina James. Renew Church is a replant work partnered with NAM and the TN State Home Missions Board. The McNeills have three children, Juana, Madilyn, and Michael. Though it is home to 68,000, Jackson serves over 400,000 people daily due to its location and six colleges and universities, most notably Union University. Over one-third of the city’s rapidly growing population considers themselves nonreligious with an additional 12% belonging to non-Christian groups. The Jameses and McNeills feel specifically called to revitalize the Jackson work, rebuilding Renew Church into a thriving ministry ready to reach the Jackson community with the saving hope of the Gospel.

Kip – March 16
Megan – June 23
Juana – October 30
Madilyn – February 24
Michael – September 12

Anniversary: January 19

Church Name: Renew FWB Church

Contact the McNeills