Terry and Tammy Miller
Terry and Tammy Miller are church planters in Colorado. They are currently serving in two churches, Highland Hills FWB Church in Greeley and Waypoint FWB Church in Fort Collins. The Millers have been blessed with five sons, four daughters-in-law, and eight grandchildren. Their youngest son, Devan is helping them in the work. Greeley is the tenth largest city in the state and home to the University of Northern Colorado. Seventy percent of its residents claim no religious affiliation. Fort Collins is the fourth largest city in Colorado and home to Colorado State University with closer to sixty percent of the population claiming no religious affiliation. Pray for laborers and a harvest of souls for Christ in these two cities in northern Colorado.

5538 Fossil Ridge Dr. W
Fort Collins, CO 80525
Terry: September 11
Tammy: December 21
Anniversary: August 14
Church Name: Waypoint FWB Church and Highland Hills FWB Church
Church Website: www.waypointchurch.org
Facebook: facebook.com/Waypoint-Church-109538467243622/