Mission North America Offering

Para obtener información sobre la Ofrenda de Misiones Norteamérica en español, haga clic aquí.

The Mission North America Offering not only provides necessary resources for church planting, church revitalization, cross-cultural ministries, the chaplaincy, and men’s ministry, but it also provides for vital ministry funding such as conferences, training, encouragement, and other essential ministry needs to assist our established churches, church planters, revitalization pastors, chaplains and more. Our church planters are planting churches across the United States as well as Mexico, the Virgin Islands, and Puerto Rico. Our chaplains are ministering to thousands of men and women in uniform, and our cross-cultural church planters are connecting with the millions of people who have come to America from all over the world. 

Please help us reach our goal of raising $750,000 by giving generously to the Mission North America Offering on Sunday, November 24, 2024!

Click the button below to give to the Mission North America Offering.

To send in a gift, address checks to PO Box 5002, Antioch, TN 37011.
On the memo line please write Mission North America Offering.

Promotional resources available October 1, 2024!

Promotional Video Links

Print your own materials

Order More Materials – October 1, 2024!

If you would like to order materials for yourself, a group, or your church, please complete the following order form. Materials include directories, maps, quarter folders, gift envelopes, posters, bulletin inserts, prayer cards (picture of church planter/chaplain family with details on the back of card), or a prayer card set (includes a card of each of our church planting families and chaplains), and the Pre-Thanksgiving Week of Prayer prayer materials. Be sure to include how many of each item you would like.