David and Ashley Osborne
David and Ashley Osborne are joint project church planters with the Virginia State Mission Board and North American Ministries planting Faith FWB Church in Wytheville, Virginia. David obtained a degree in pastoral theology from Southeastern FWB College. David and Ashley have five children – Charity, Levi, Aaron, Sadeigh Anne, and Lillie. Wytheville is known as the “Hub of Southwest Virginia” where Interstates 81 and 77 meet. Within the county population of nearly 30,000, only 46% are affiliated with a religious organization.

377 Shaw Road
Rural Retreat, VA 24368
David: July 14
Ashley: May 15
Charity: June 13, 2007
Levi: June 12, 2010
Aaron: March 27, 2013
Sadeigh: April 12, 2015
Lillie: June 15, 2018
Anniversary: June 18
Church Name: Faith FWB Church
Church Website: www.faithfwbchurch.com
Facebook: facebook.com/FFWBCwytheville/