Joel and Viviana Portillo
Joel and Viviana Portillo are cross-cultural church planters at Iglesia Nacion Santa FWB, a Hispanic work in Louisville, KY. Before moving to Kentucky, the Portillos ministered in Fort Myers, FL for over a decade. While there, Joel served at Iglesia Ministerio Unido FWB for ten years, and he has pastored Iglesia Nación Santa FWB Fort Myers for the past three years. The Portillos consider it a true privilege to be a part of what the Lord is doing in Louisville to build His kingdom and change lives. Joel and Viviana have three children – Sebastian, Valentina, and Esteban. Please pray for the Portillo family as follow the Lord’s leading to Kentucky!

17435 West Carnegie Cir.
Fort Myers, FL 33967
Joel: December 27
Viviana: October 22
Valentina: December 26, 2012
Esteban: May 31, 2015
Anniversary: March 26
Church Name: Iglesia Nación Santa FWB