Gene and Angela Wooton
Gene and Angela Wooton serve on the beautiful island of St. Croix in the U.S. Virgin Islands. They have four boys – Gene, Seth, Cole, and Levi. The Wootons and their team lead Free Will Baptist Church and Free Will Baptist Christian School where students K-12 hear about the love of Christ each day. Gene serves as pastor at FWB STX, and Angela serves as principal of the middle and high school at FWBCS. Free Will Baptists have been ministering in the US Virgin Islands for over 50 years. Through the work of both the church and school, God is at work transforming lives in the Caribbean and developing Christian leaders to serve Him.

135 Sion Hill
Christiansted, VI 00820
Gene: May 30
Angela: October 4
Gene, Jr: March 8, 2005
Seth: July 9, 2009
Cole: April 23, 2011
Levi: April 13, 2013
Anniversary: May 17
Church Name: Free Will Baptist Church STX
Church Website: